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Compatible Datatypes

Umbraco Native Datatypes Fully Compatible Partially Compatible Not Compatible Not Tested
Label v3.0
Numeric v3.0
Simple Editor v3.0
Textstring v3.0
Media Picker v3.0.1

Approved Color v3.0
Checkbox list v3.0
Content Picker v3.0
Date Picker with time v3.0.2
Date Picker v3.0.2
Dropdown multiple v3.0.1
Folder Browser YSOD
Dropdown v3.0.1
Member Picker v3.0.2
Radiobox v3.0
Related Links
Richtext editor Not shown
Textbox multiple v3.0
True/false v3.0
Ultimate Picker
Upload YSOD
XPath CheckBoxList v6.0
XPath DropDownList v6.0
Other Datatypes Fully Compatible Partially Compatible Not Compatible Not Tested
uComponents: XPath Auto Complete v6.0
uComponents: Character Limit v5.4.1
uComponents: Checkbox Tree
uComponents: Country Picker v5.4.1
uComponents: Dropdown CheckList v5.4.1
uComponents: Elastic TextBox v5.4.1
uComponents: Enum CheckBoxList v5.4.1
uComponents: Enum DropDownList v5.5.3
uComponents: File DropDownList v5.4.1
uComponents: FilePicker v5.4.1
uComponents: Incremental TextBox v5.4.1
uComponents: Multi-URL Picker v6.0
uComponents: Multiple Dates
uComponents: Notes v5.4.1
uComponents: Property Picker X
uComponents: Relation Links v5.4.1
uComponents: Render Macro v5.4.1
uComponents: Similarity v5.4.1
uComponents: SQL AutoComplete
uComponents: SQL DropDownList X
uComponents: SQL CheckBoxList X
uComponents: Textstring Array X
uComponents: ToggleBox X
uComponents: URL Picker v5.4.0
uComponents: User Picker X
uComponents: XPath AutoComplete v5.4.1
Digibiz Advanced Media Picker (DAMP) X
Google Maps Datatype v5.4.1
Universal Media Picker
True Color Picker
Markdown Editor (only works with v1.4 and upwards) v5.4.0
uTube v5.4.1

Using custom datatypes

By default, only datatypes that are verified are enabled and selectable from the prevalue editor. To enable a non-default datatype, go to {your-umbraco-folder}\config and open the file DataTypeGrid.config.

Add your datatype guid to the <CompatibleDataTypes> section like this:

<add guid="6c738306-4c17-4d88-b9bd-6546f3771597"/>

Recycle the application pool in IIS or touch the web.config file. You can now use your datatype with DataType Grid.