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Enabling the XSLT extension for use in your XSLT templates. Add the following XML snippet to your ~/config/xsltExtensions.config file:

	<ext assembly="uComponents.XsltExtensions" type="uComponents.XsltExtensions.Email" alias="" />


Here are available methods in the Email library:


Determines whether the input is a valid email address.
Returns: true if valid; otherwise, false.


| Name | Type | Notes | |——|——|——-| | input | System.String | The email address. |

XSLT Example

<!-- Testing an email address; where 'emailAddress' is a node -->
	<xsl:when test="">
		<p>This is a valid email address.</p>
		<p>This is not a valid email address.</p>


Sends an email. Performs the exact same function an umbraco.library.SendMail, with the option of sending via SSL.


| Name | Type | Notes | |——|——|——-| | from | System.String | | | to | System.String | | | subject | System.String | | | body | System.String | | | isHtml | System.Boolean | | | useSSL | System.Boolean | |

XSLT Example

<xsl:value-of select="'no-reply@localhost', 'test@localhost', 'Test message', 'This is a test message.', false(), true())" />