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DataType Grid is localizable, meaning you can make your own translation using the Dictionary in the Umbraco backoffice.

Please consult the table of aliases below to create your own translation.

Content Editor

Alias Default Value Description
Delete Delete The button tooltip text for deleting a row
Edit Edit The button tooltip text for editing a row
MoveUp Move up The button tooltip text for moving a row up
MoveDown Move down The button tooltip text for moving a row down
Add Add The button text for adding a new row (both in the footer and in the dialog)
Update Update The button text for updating a row

Prevalue Editor

Alias Default Value Description
AddNewDataType Add new datatype The title text for the "add new datatype" form
Error Error The error title for the "add new datatype" form
Name Name The name label for the column name
YouMustSpecifyAName You must specify a name The error message shown if you didn't specify a name for the column when saving the datatype
Alias Alias The alias label for the column alias
YouMustSpecifyAnAlias You must specify an alias The error message shown if you didn't specify an alias for the column when saving the datatype
AliasAlreadyExists Alias already exists! The error Message shown if the alias you entered already exists
DataType DataType The label for the column datatype
Validation Validation The label for the column validation string
SearchForARegularExpression Search for a regular expression The label for the link that opens a window where you can find regular expressions
ValidationStringIsNotValid Validation string is not valid The error Message shown if the validation regex is not valid
ContentSortPriority Content Sort Priority The label text for the column sort priority
ContentSortOrder Content Sort Order The label text for the column sort order
Ascending Ascending The dropdown item text for ascending sort order
Descending Descending The dropdown item text for descending sort order
Type Type The title text for the "edit datatype" form
AreYouSureYouWantToDeleteThisColumn Are you sure you want to delete this column The dialog text shown when trying to delete a column